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IMPORTANT: Please allow a little bit of time for the first load of the game. It (should) work fine, just takes a bit of time to load. (Lights might bug out in Browser sometimes)

Secrets of the Shadows: Alaric's Quest by Ace of Grace

The player guides Alaric through shadowy dungeons. He needs to collect different colored essences from slain enemies to further transmute the progression of Alaric. On the transmutation table, the player can use those collected essences to change Alaric’s robe to different colors, which allow him to pass through portals with the same color. 

Controls - Keyboard:
Movement: WASD
Move into shadow realm and back: Q
Attack: left mouse button (Chainable if upgraded)
Strong Attack: right mouse button
Block: Space
Sprint: Shift
Interact: E

About us: 
For the fun of it, we decided to give us a proper "Game Studio" name: Ace of Grace 
This is the first gamejam for the both of us, even tho kaunstdadenga has some years experience in developing software and apps. Making a game is something completely different, but damn... it's a lot of fun. 


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I had quite fun getting stronger and defeating the shadows but I have to say that it did get repetetiv after a while and that I also didn't really know hot use some spells. I really liked the game and it's quite complex for only 2 weeks of work. I think music would have made it way more immersive but other than I had a fun experience (which is for me the most important part).

Nice to hear you had quite some fun playing the game.

Due to time issues we had to drop some features which would have made the grind less repetitive. Our next Jam we try to go simpler and focus more on the gameplay instead of a complex system behind it

Pros-visuals are cool, reminds me a bit of OSRS

wizard automatically lights up dark areas, which was a nice touch

Cons-shadows can't walk up stairs, i could camp and kill.  Although this was kind of fun, the enemies really need to step up their game :P

Corner glitch-i was trapped by a corner in the second room, and stuck with the grim choice of watching the wizard live out the rest of his days there or abandoning him to his fate.  I imagine he's still there now, silently resigned to his fate, wondering how his arcane knowledge failed him, and what unknowable force keeps him trapped in a desolate corner of a dungeon.  

Thanks for the feedback.

We really tried to do a lot with light and shadows but unfortunatly it didnt really work in the browser, so we had to tune it down a lot.

I am sorry to hear you encountered a corner glitch. We also had some in our playtests and (at least tried to fix them). Either we missed one or our fix didnt really work out.

This is a way bigger project of what I think a gamejam game is, well done.

The game on complex works and have intresting point, I like the environment and how you structured the dungeon.

There are minor bug like spinning enemies body when dead, and maybe too loud enemy footsteps, but if you can use the spinning body in some fun way I think it would be hilarious.

GG !